Parallel Universes

''Oh boy here we go, my true shame, my very first creepypasta, it barely lasted 6 hours on the site. I'm just glad I didn't follow a bunch of shitty cliches with it .-.''

Have you ever felt like you forgot something important in your past? Or you swear you remember something in a specific way, but it turned out you were wrong? Well, I'm going to explain the phenomena through my own personal experience. I was walking to my job at the local convenience store. As I reached the doors however, the lights were out, and the shelves thrown over. Looking at the doors, I noticed a sign that said "Closed until further notice". I thought this was strange, because just yesterday I had been there working, and I never got a call telling me not to come.

I shrugged it off, and decided to walk to over my friend's house. I noticed my town was completely abandoned. There was not a single car or pedestrian anywhere. I shrugged it off and continued walking. When I finally reached his house, I knocked on his door. And after three minutes, no answer. I gave up and walked back to the sidewalk. I pulled my phone out and tried calling him. To my surprise, he actually answered, but I didn't hear his voice, I simply heard some... creature breathing.

It hung up after a few minutes, I was really shaken by this. I decided to go back home and attempt connecting to the internet on my PC. On the way, in the corner of my eye, I spotted a large animal. I turned to look at it. Oh my god. It was massive. It kind of looked like a lion. It had two horns, large teeth, and black eyes. I ran as fast as I could to my home. I barely escaped. I locked all my doors and windows, and ran upstairs. After this heart-racing experience. I got on my computer.

I logged onto some of my favorite websites, like 4chan and reddit. All the posts were about two subjects. One, the creatures are everywhere and are near-impossible to kill. Two, the world population was decreased from 7,000,000,000 to 13,000. I decided to dig a little deeper. And too the deep web I went. It wasn't much different, child porn and cannibalism still everywhere. But a lot of sites were devoted to a cult worshiping the creatures, and many users shared fantasies of being eaten by them.

I dug even deeper, and begin to find other users who claim to be from another universe. I decided to share my story with them, and asked for opinions. One user told me he was from my universe, and that he knows the way back. Eagerly, I asked him. I waited 6 hours for a response, and he replied with one word, 'die'. I asked how he knows it works, and he said that it just does. Having no better options, I decided to kill myself. I climbed out of my bedroom window up to the roof.

I just began to notice the horror of this world. There is no vegetation, the sky is crimson, and the sun is no longer in the sky. I couldn't take this anymore. I jumped. As I fell, many thoughts went through my head. Was this worth it? Could I have survived? Helped kill the creatures? Repopulate humanity? I shrugged it off. My thoughts ended as I made impact.

I woke up in my bed. I checked the time, 5:06 am, I was late for work. I got up and got dressed, and quickly rushed out the door. I was walking to my job at the local convenience store. As I reached the doors however, the lights were out, and the shelves thrown over. Looking at the doors, I noticed a sign that said "Closed until further notice".

This is my story, my never ending hell. 

Parallel universes.